Mother Forgotten…Parental Alienation

{April 16, 2012}   ARGHHHHH… Having A Bad Day

There are 365 days in a year, 34 holidays total ( I observe only 16 of these holidays), then we add in birthdays of friends and family….so to put it all in perspective….Our justice system has stolen 2,555 days, 112 holidays, 7 of my son’s birthdays and several family occasions. ( Just the maternal side, as the paternal grandparents failed to acknowledge that my son has a MOTHER!)  Time that can never be given back to me or my son! Yet 27 days ago I was told that his legal guardians were not party to my case against them! I was told that I needed to THANK them for keeping my son and raising him.  In other words, our great justice system is permitted to commit theft, contempt and kidnapping! It is permitted to just STOMP all over our Constitutional Rights, Our Civil Rights and our Parental Rights! 

Our forefathers created the Constitution to protect our rights, yet today unless you have a pocket full of money to hire an attorney, Judges don’t give a damn about your Constitutional, Civil or Parental Rights, court orders that are being willfully violated!  

ARGHHHHH…I’m having a bad day…..

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