Mother Forgotten…Parental Alienation

To whom it may concern:

Hello, my name is Bobby Jo Bush, I am a resident of Mt Olive in Wayne County NC.  I am the mother of six grown children and the grandmother of six.  I have always loved kids with a passion as well as the elderly and anyone that needs my help.  I was previously an EMT for our county.  I now live on disability due to a back injury and raise my one year old granddaughter, Arianna, whom I love more than I could ever express in a mere letter.  The following letter is long, yes, but it is of the utmost importance to a young child and I pray that you can take five minutes to read it and hopefully help this family somehow.
Now the reason I have chosen to write you is because about seven years ago I was in a bad relationship and became homeless and a couple I had met while working as a pharmacy tech in Smithfield, NC allowed me to come stay with them.  Mind you these people did not know me beyond my job and I only knew them as customers.  Yet, I went and stayed with this couple for a short time.  During this time I observed that the lady, Tina Mizell Lollis, was having issues with drugs and was in and out of rehab facilities.  This broke my heart because all she talked about was her son and how much she missed him. It was like as long as she had the drugs she was drowning the pain of losing her son, but, at the same time she also knew that the only way she would ever have him again was to get clean.  This was all she was working on and doing.
Fast forward a few years and by the grace of god Tina came back across my pathway and was homeless herself (this was 3 years ago).  She moved in with me this time and I was tickled to death to see that she had gotten clean and had been for almost 3 years at this time.  She was doing really well and had only become homeless due to a bad relationship she had been in.
About two months later my oldest son, Justin, moved home and him and Tina hit it off so extremely well that they have now bought a home across the street from me and Tina (with Justins blessing and help) has been the continued fight for her son Blaine Mizell.
As I learned of this fight again, I became involved in helping her. It began this time with her filing petitions for Modifications of Child Custody with the Nash County courthouse.  I thought this was confusing to me but I learned then that this all began in Nashville at the Nash County Courthouse because she had resided there when it began and so did the father of her son, Christopher Dawes.  Also in this scenario, and the most important factor, were the paternal grandparents, Claudia and James Mull.  Why are they the most important factor you ask? Well, because Mrs. Claudia Mull was the Director of Personnel for Nash County Social Services!!! Can you say biased!!!! Well from what I have no gathered and learned, Tina gave guardianship of her son when he was four to her mother so that she could freely go into a rehab and attempt to get clean.  At this time Mrs Mull took full grasp of the situation and took Tina to court and was actually given CUSTODY of her son.  Tina and the father were given supervised visitations with each to be supervised by their respective parents.  Now, none of this sounds right at all to me as a parent.  Shouldn’t this Director of Social Services stepped in and assisted this woman in getting the medical attention she needed then also helped her in reuniting with her son? NO! This woman who was biased because this was HER GRANDSON used her political pull and influence in Nash County to take another mothers child from her!!!!!!!
Now during the years that Tinas son has been supposedly in the care of Claudia Mull this woman has allowed her drug and alcohol abusing son, Christopher Dawes, to take Tinas son and move first to Bryson City without notifying Tina nor going back to court, then most recently all the way to Tennessee!!! Again, no notice or court proceedings at all.  Tina has done nothing wrong and continues her fight.  She went back to court to ask for Modification of Child Custody when she finally found out her son was in Tennessee. At this time she was told they all, the Mull’s included would have to go thru mediation.  Tina went to these mediations and neither of the Mulls showed up at all.  We then went before Judge Britt who would recused himself due to his wife, whom is a lawyer in Nash County, being the lawyer that assisted Tina in the very beginning so it was a conflict of interest.  Before Judge Britt closed out this hearing though he COMMANDED in an order for the Mull’s to go to the mediation proceedings that Tina had been going to or be held in contempt.  The next court date was set and when we went we were before Judge Farris.  Judge Farris was aware of Judge Britts order concerning the mediation but did NOTHING to the Mull’s for not showing up! Can we say something smells here to?  Now, Judge Farris had Tina and Claudia Mull before him.  James Mull DID NOT show up again!  Judge Farris heard both sides and even heard Claudia Mull say she did not want Tinas son and had given him to his father because “She could not handle him any longer”.  Now I ask you, when court orders are in place giving a grandparent custodial rights and the obligation to care and look after their grandson should they not have to go back to court and have other arrangments made if they can not handle him any longer and dont want him?  I was under the impression that court orders were pretty stuck in concrete and that if you didnt follow them you were held to account and possible jail time.  Not with Mrs Director of Nash County Social Services though.  Now, as this court hearing ended a parental agreement was put into place that had been discussed and put into play during mediation even though NOT ONCE did the childs father, Christopher Dawes, go tho any mediation classes with Claudia and Tina.  Tina had signed this agreement out of desperation to see her son and then asked to have it resended due to her not agreeing and wanting custody of her son. Philip Wall, the court mediator conveniently neglected to pull this agreement and it was sent to Christopher Dawes in TN and then onto Judge Farris where it was put into play at this court date.  Now, on May 30th Christopher Dawes dropped off Tinas son, Blaine at her moms in Nashville and Tina was called to come get him.  Blaine has been across the road with my son and Tina since then and up until August 13th.  Now let me tell you what has happened since then.  About two weeks prior to the date that Christopher Dawes and Tina decided to switch Blaine back, Blaine told Tinas sister Toni that he was scared to go back.  He described in detail some very serious abusive incidents that concerned Toni.  Toni then called Tina and Tina spoke with Blaine then called Wayne County DSS looking for help for her son.  Mind you the next court date for the child custody is on August 28th. Well we went to court on the 13th and the Clerk of Court lady, April, took Tinas file up to a Judge Cooper.  We went and sat in the courtroom at 1030am.  We observed the judge hearing cases and every so often getting up and going into chambers where we later found out he was talking to Nash County DSS, Wayne County DSS and Edgecombe DSS concerning Tina and Blaine.  We also saw him taking many calls concerning the case on his personal cell phone though out the day. We sat scared and worried as this was the day Blaine was to go back to his abuser also.  We were flying by the seats of our pants and it was getting scarier by the minute.  We were finally called up at 330pm AFTER every other case that day had been heard.  Judge Cooper had called Edgecombe county social worker Ms. Goodloe to come to court also.  The judge listened to a witness which was also a previous live in girlfriend of Chris Dawes as she described the abuse she had witnessed to Blaine and then talked to Tina.  Never once did he speak to me nor to Blaine and we were both there.  He went out and then when he came back in we were to get the most horrible shock I ever imagined.  Judge Cooper ordered Edgecombe county to TAKE Blaine and place him BACK into the care of the Mull’s, the same people that gave him to the abuser willingly and the same people that told Judge Farris that they did not want him.  Now can you say CONFUSED!!! As I sat there listening to this insane decision I asked to be heard by Judge Cooper and at that time requested to be considered as a place for Blaine instead if he was going to take him till the 28th court date.  I was basically ignored.  We stood outside the court that day hurt and lost.  Blaine walked away from the social worker and came out the front door as we stood there. He immediately wrapped up with Tina and cried and didnt understand.  We did our best to tell him it would be ok and we didnt understand either but we would make sure he was home in a few days, that was 7 days ago.  While Blaine has been with the Mull’s this time Tina was told by the social worker and Judge that she could talk to Blaine everyday and have contact with  him.  Claudia Mull has not allowed this on so many occasions.  Tina has even called Nash County PD and had a welfare check done at the Mull’s due to Claudia not allowing her to even speak with her son.  The officer called Tina back and told her how the Mull’s blocked the door and would not even allow her to speak to Blaine!!  Nothing ever gets done with these people!! Edgecombe county DSS is now coming into Tinas home and MINE to do investigations!!! We have been subjected to lies that they deny when we question and are being told what we need to have in our homes for Blaine to even come back.  NOONE has done this at the Mull’s!  The social worker has told us how because of Tinas past with drugs this was all done and how they, DSS, was never suppose to have custody of the child that they never wanted to be involved that the judge messed up was her exact words.  She claimed that the judge was suppose to just be giving the Mull’s temporary custody. Now we have found out that the Mull’s have enrolled Blaine in school there already and have taken him out of town to the beach WITH THE FATHER, CHRISTOPHER DAWES.  There is a protection order also in affect against Christopher Dawes for Blaine that was given at the same date he was given back to the Mull’s.  In this order Chris is not to have any contact at all with Blaine nor be around him!! HMMMMM again huh.  Now Tina is tore apart and hurting everyday without her son and scared constantly for his safety.  The 28th can not get here any faster and I am praying somehow someway God will touch someone and maybe she can get a fair hearing this time but my hopes are not good for that.
I know this is alot of information and I am sorry but someone out there needs to know what is going on in Nash County and stand up for whats right.  I pray that somehow this gets to a person that can help us and if nothing more get this out there for some lawyer to help as Tina nor I can afford to hire one and the judges in Nash County have made it clear that without one they do not respect her nor really wish to acknowledge what she is trying to do for her son.

I am available everyday if someone would like to talk to me or Tina and there is alot of stuff that happened before I got in the picture but Tina has been done so unfairly in Nash County court system and I know she is willing to open a can of worms there if necessary to protect and get her son back home where he belongs.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can help with!!!


{April 16, 2012}   ARGHHHHH… Having A Bad Day

There are 365 days in a year, 34 holidays total ( I observe only 16 of these holidays), then we add in birthdays of friends and family….so to put it all in perspective….Our justice system has stolen 2,555 days, 112 holidays, 7 of my son’s birthdays and several family occasions. ( Just the maternal side, as the paternal grandparents failed to acknowledge that my son has a MOTHER!)  Time that can never be given back to me or my son! Yet 27 days ago I was told that his legal guardians were not party to my case against them! I was told that I needed to THANK them for keeping my son and raising him.  In other words, our great justice system is permitted to commit theft, contempt and kidnapping! It is permitted to just STOMP all over our Constitutional Rights, Our Civil Rights and our Parental Rights! 

Our forefathers created the Constitution to protect our rights, yet today unless you have a pocket full of money to hire an attorney, Judges don’t give a damn about your Constitutional, Civil or Parental Rights, court orders that are being willfully violated!  

ARGHHHHH…I’m having a bad day…..

et cetera